Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Homemade Gluten-Free Granola

Homemade gluten-free granola from Karina, Gluten-Free Goddess. #vegan #glutenfree #lowsugar
Low sugar, homemade gluten-free granola.

How to Make Homemade Gluten-Free Granola 

(pssst- it's easy!)

You're going to think this is silly. What I have to confess. And it is. Quite silly. It's one of those sticky, pesky truths that clings to you and won't let go, wreaking not anything dramatic, like pure havoc (or worse). No, nothing life threatening, or socially isolating, or disturbing, or even controversial, for that matter. So I'll just say it.

I've been too scared to make my own granola. Well, maybe scared is too strong a word. Color scared with a hint of lazy and you might have a more accurate hue of where my head's at, granola-wise. And making your own granola always seemed a trifle precious. A tad earthy-crunchy (duh). Slightly over the top. And rather unnecessary. It's not like granola isn't widely available- in an array of flavors- since Jesus was in Hebrew school. It's a serious, bonafide hit. A blockbuster cereal. For, like, evah.

Why bother making it when you can buy it by the Trug load?

I've got two reasons.

READ MORE and get the recipe ...

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